Source code for dds_cloudapi_sdk.config

Initializing the configuration is the first step required before utilizing any services offered by DDS CloudAPI.
This process involves creating an instance of the :class:`Config <dds_cloudapi_sdk.config.Config Class>` class with your API token::

    from dds_cloudapi_sdk import Config

    token = "You API token here"
    config = Config(token)


import enum
import os

class ServerEnv(enum.Enum):
    Dev = "dev"
    Test = "test"
    Prd = "prd"

class ServerEndpoint(enum.Enum):
    Dev = ""
    Test = ""
    Prd = ""

def _choose_endpoint():
    endpoint = os.environ.get("DDS_CLOUDAPI_ENDPOINT", ServerEndpoint.Prd.value)
    return endpoint

[docs] class Config: """ The configuration representation for the SDK client. :param token: The API token of your DDS account. Currently, you can apply for an API token with `this form <>`_. """ def __init__(self, token: str): """ Initialize a configuration with API token. """ self.endpoint: str = _choose_endpoint() self.token: str = token