
The dds-cloudapi-sdk is a Python package designed to simplify interactions with the DDS Cloud API. It features:

  • Straightforward APIs

  • Unified interfaces

  • Handy utilities


You can get the SDK library directly from PyPi:

pip install dds-cloudapi-sdk

Quick Start

Below is a straightforward example for the popular IVP algorithm:

# 1. Initialize the client with your API token.
from dds_cloudapi_sdk import Config
from dds_cloudapi_sdk import Client

token = "Your API Token Here"
config = Config(token)
client = Client(config)

# 2. Upload local image to the server and get the URL.
infer_image_url = ""
# infer_image_url = client.upload_file("path/to/infer/image.jpg")  # you can also upload local file for processing
prompt_image_url = infer_image_url  # use the same image for prompt

# 3. Create a task with proper parameters.
from dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks import IVPTask
from dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks import RectPrompt
from dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks import LabelTypes

task = IVPTask(
    prompts=[RectPrompt(rect=[475.18, 550.20, 548.10, 599.92], is_positive=True)],
    infer_label_types=[LabelTypes.BBox, LabelTypes.Mask],  # infer both bbox and mask

# 4. Run the task and get the result.

# 5. Parse the result.
from dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.ivp import TaskResult

result: TaskResult = task.result

mask_url = result.mask_url  # the image url with all masks drawn on
objects = result.objects  # the list of detected objects
for idx, obj in enumerate(objects):
    # get the detection score
    print(obj.score)  # 0.42

    # get the detection bbox
    print(obj.bbox)  # [635.0, 458.0, 704.0, 508.0]

    # get the detection mask, it's of RLE format
    print(obj.mask.counts)  # ]o`f08fa14M3L2O2M2O1O1O1O1N2O1N2O1N2N3M2O3L3M3N2M2N3N1N2O...

    # convert the RLE format to RGBA image
    mask_image = task.rle2rgba(obj.mask)
    print(mask_image.size)  # (1600, 1170)

    # save the image to file"data/mask_{idx}.png")


As illustrated above, executing an algorithm involves three key steps:

  • 1. Config: Initializing a configuration object with your API token.

  • 2. Client: Setting up a client object with the previously created config.

  • 3. Tasks: Executing a task through the client to obtain results.

The first two steps remain consistent across all algorithms, providing a unified interface for any task execution.

The rest of this document will briefly cover the Config and Client before diving into the various usage patterns of the algorithms (or task classes).