Detection - DINO-X¶
Usage Pattern¶
First of all, make sure you have installed this SDK by pip:
pip install dds-cloudapi-sdk
Then trigger the algorithm through DetectionTask:
from dds_cloudapi_sdk import Config
from dds_cloudapi_sdk import Client
from dds_cloudapi_sdk import TextPrompt
from dds_cloudapi_sdk.task.dinox import DinoxTask
# Step 1: initialize the config
token = "Your API token here"
config = Config(token)
# Step 2: initialize the client
client = Client(config)
# Step 3: run the task by DetectionTask class
image_url = ""
# if you are processing local image file, upload them to DDS server to get the image url
# image_url = client.upload_file("/path/to/your/prompt/image.png")
task = DinoxTask(
prompts=[TextPrompt(text="<prompt_free>")] # or specific prompts like 'vessel.cutting.person'
result = task.result
objects = result.objects # the list of detected objects
for idx, obj in enumerate(objects):
print(obj.category) # "person"
print(obj.bbox) # [132.2875213623047, 4.497652053833008, 444.68719482421875, 530.9923706054688]
print(obj.mask.counts) # RLE compressed to string, ]o`gg0=[95K3M4L4M3L4M2N3L3N2N3M2N3M2N2N2N2N2M3N3M2N3L3N2N3M2N2N2N2O1N2N2N2O0O2N...
print(obj.pose) # [307.07562255859375, 140.30242919921875, 1, 0, 318.3280029296875, 124.33451080322266, 1,0 ...]
print(obj.hand) # null
API Reference¶
- class DinoxTask(image_url, prompts, bbox_threshold=0.25, iou_threshold=0.8, targets=None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
image_url (str)
prompts (List[TextPrompt])
bbox_threshold (float)
iou_threshold (float)
targets (List[DetectionTarget])
- class TextPrompt(*, text, is_positive=True)[source]¶
A text prompt.
- Parameters:
text (str) – the str content of the prompt
is_positive (bool) – whether the prompt is positive, default to True
- text: str¶
the str content of the prompt
- is_positive: bool¶
whether the prompt is positive, default to True
- property type¶
constant string ‘text’ for TextPrompt.