Source code for dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.prompt
from enum import Enum
from typing import List
import pydantic
class PromptType(Enum):
Rect = "rect"
Point = "point"
Mask = "mask"
Text = "text"
Stroke = "stroke"
Embd = "embd"
class TextPrompt(pydantic.BaseModel):
A text prompt.
:param text: the str content of the prompt
:param is_positive: whether the prompt is positive, default to True
text: str #: the str content of the prompt
is_positive: bool = True #: whether the prompt is positive, default to True
def type(self):
constant string 'text' for TextPrompt.
return PromptType.Text.value
def dict(self, **kwargs):
d = super().dict(**kwargs)
d["type"] = self.type
return d
class RectPrompt(pydantic.BaseModel):
A rectangle prompt.
:param rect: the rect location in [upper_left_x, upper_left_y, lower_right_x, lower_right_y]
:param is_positive: whether the prompt is positive, default to True
rect: List[float] #: the rect location in [upper_left_x, upper_left_y, lower_right_x, lower_right_y]
is_positive: bool = True #: whether the prompt is positive, default to True
def type(self):
constant string 'rect' for RectPrompt.
return PromptType.Rect.value
def dict(self, **kwargs):
d = super().dict(**kwargs)
d["type"] = self.type
return d
class BatchPointPrompt(pydantic.BaseModel):
A batch of point prompts.
:param points: a list of point locations in [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]
:param image: the image url the point prompts are acting on, if not provided, the infer image url in context will be used
:param category_id: the category id of the points
points: List[List[float]] #: a list of point locations in [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]
image: str = None #: the image url the point prompts are acting on
category_id: int = None #: the category id of the points, only required for :class:`TRexInteractiveInfer <dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.trex_interactive.TRexInteractiveInfer>` task.
class BatchRectPrompt(pydantic.BaseModel):
A batch of rectangle prompts.
:param rects: a list of rect locations in [[[upper_left_x, upper_left_y, lower_right_x, lower_right_y], ...]
:param image: the image url the rectangle prompts are acting on
:param category_id: the category id of the rects
rects: List[List[float]] #: a list of rect locations in [[[upper_left_x, upper_left_y, lower_right_x, lower_right_y], ...]
image: str = None #: the image url the rectangle prompts are acting on, if not provided, the infer image url in context will be used
category_id: int = None #: the category id of the rects, only required for :class:`TRexInteractiveInfer <dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.trex_interactive.TRexInteractiveInfer>` task.
class BatchEmbdPrompt(pydantic.BaseModel):
A batch of embd prompts.
:param embd: the embedding file url
:param category_id: the category id of the rects
embd: str = None #: the embedding file url
category_id: int #: the category id of the objects inferred by this embedding file
class BatchPointInfer(pydantic.BaseModel):
An infer image with batch point prompts.
:param image: the image url to be inferred on
:param prompts: a list of :class:`BatchPointPrompt <dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.prompt.BatchPointPrompt>`
image: str #: the image url to be inferred on
prompts: List[BatchPointPrompt] #: a list of :class:`BatchPointPrompt <dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.prompt.BatchPointPrompt>`
class BatchRectInfer(pydantic.BaseModel):
An infer image with batch rect prompts.
:param image: the image url to be inferred on
:param prompts: a list of :class:`BatchRectPrompt <dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.prompt.BatchRectPrompt>`
image: str #: the image url to be inferred on
prompts: List[BatchRectPrompt] #: a list of :class:`BatchRectPrompt <dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.prompt.BatchRectPrompt>`
class BatchEmbdInfer(pydantic.BaseModel):
An infer image with batch embd prompts.
:param image: the image url to be inferred on
:param prompts: a list of :class:`BatchEmbdPrompt <dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.prompt.BatchEmbdPrompt>`
image: str #: the image url to be inferred on
prompts: List[BatchEmbdPrompt] #: a list of :class:`BatchEmbdPrompt <dds_cloudapi_sdk.tasks.prompt.BatchEmbdPrompt>`